[email protected] (+662) 105 3705 Membership Team : (+668) 246 69651 Licensing Team : (+668) 394 23663 Official Time : Mon-Fri 09:30am-5.30pm


Fan Meeting
(Use 100 % international song)

Code Fan Meeting Type Royalty Rate
FM 01 Fan Meeting (Size XL) (venue/capacity 2,001 audiences up) 20,000 Baht / song / show
FM 02 Fan Meeting (Size L) (venue/capacity 701-2,000 audiences) 15,000 Baht / song / show
FM 03 Fan Meeting (Size M) (venue/capacity 251 - 700 audiences) 10,000 Baht / song / show
FM 04 Fan Meeting (Size S) (venue/capacity not over 250 audiences) 5,000 Baht / song / show


“Fan meet” means the event that set up not primarily for music performance but for the purpose of gathering, meeting or activities between the Artist/Celebrity and the audience/Fan-club with number of song usage not exceeding 5 songs.

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